Now Uncle Sam Approved!

Now Uncle Sam Approved!

I'm pleased to announce our official recognition by the IRS as a bona fide tax exempt organization, as of December 7, 2021. As a 501(c)(3), donors can deduct contributions made under IRC Section 170. We're also qualified to receive "tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2106 or 2522".

Our Mission: to promote here

What does all this mean for Long Beach and the general South Bay area? For area landmarks, groups and small businesses, it means free publicity. We want to tell everyone how cool this area is, for travel, tourism and daily life; and have fun doing it.

More Interviews!

Up until the management change at KLBP-FM, I was providing audio tours and walking interviews towards this goal, and the station broadcast a few every Sunday.

Now that the pandemic seems to be waning, we're ready to resume recording & interviewing, perhaps with some video this time around. We want them to be interesting and fun too, just like before.

More help!

But Interview recording, production and editing takes money or volunteers. We have a little bit of both, but we sure could use more. With this official letter 1076 from the IRS, we're hoping for the kindness of friends.

If there's something or some place you'd like me to cover in a segment, let me know.

If you have related experience and would like to volunteer technically, we'd love to hear from you.



Alan Holden