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Did a song upset you?

Some of these songs, soundtracks and show tunes may not be appropriate by today's standards, we know that. Still, we cannot change the fact that they existed, and are a part of history now, cast in vinyl. We hope that - by listening to some of this crap - you reach an appreciation of how far we've progressed since those "good old days".

We try to provide a nice place to educate & recollect these times, but do not endorse reliving them.

Visit our Museum of Inappropriate and comment!

Take down requests

This is the form to use. Note that the bulk of these recordings were taken from archives and our original media, not from assets for legitimate sale. They are considered to have been published prior to 1978 and subject (if at all) to the copyright act of 1919. Drop-ins, media clips and assets used within an Interview were considered "fair use" for reference, historical and otherwise..

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